Monday, July 7, 2008


Y'all are so sweet! Thanks, everyone. It not only made me feel better to say what I'd been thinking, but to know that I'm NOT alone in these thoughts means the world...It's enough to make my seven-weeks-pregnant, overly-hormonal, super-duper-emotional self burst into tears and cry!

I guess I didn't realize that it would hit me as hard as it did that EVERYTHING is going to change. I mean, of course I knew everything was going to change, but really? EVERYTHING?! But it's comforting beyond words to know I'm not the first woman to ever feel this's been hard, keeping these feelings bottled up because one, we haven't told anyone about the pregnancy yet (it's still kind of early!) and two, everyone gets so excited over the baby, that they just assume I will be, too - and any feelings of apprehension or misgiving (I don't think that's the word I want, but I'm going to go with it for now), are simply never ever discussed, and I feel like if I mentioned them, I'd be looked at as some selfish, horrible, unfit mother-to-be...also enough to make my seven-weeks-pregnant, overly-hormonal, super-duper-emotional self burst into tears and cry! (are you sensing a pattern here?)

OMG - the emotions! I've been so cranky, and so weepy, it's like I don't even know who I am right now - it's crazy. Aside from that madness, symptom-wise, I am counting my blessings every hour on the hour, and have vowed to knock on every wooden surface I encounter from now until February. No morning sickness proper, if you will. By morning sickness, I mean that I've been lucky enough to avoid throwing up thus far. Woo hoo, right? Sure. Instead, I get stuck with the overwhelming feeling of nausea that just lasts all day long, and gets worse when I need to eat. I haven't had that super-sensitivity to smells that everyone swears happens when you're pregnant. Damn have I been tired, though. I'm campaigning for siesta to be incorporated into our work days (and not winning).

While I'm at it, no real food aversions, either. I've noticed that I don't love coffee as much as I used to...I don't know if that's because it's decaf, or if it's because I'm pregnant, and there are two foods that make me really happy: Cheese, and cheeseburgers. By cheese, I mean string cheese, or dear God, Sargento makes handy snack sized sticks of cheddar. And by cheeseburger, I mean a whopper. Not something I could make at home using fine quality ground beef - nope. I'll take something from the BK lounge, please. Oh, and fruit. Watermelon and grapes are absolutely fantastical.

The cookouts over the holiday weekend were interesting - I just kept telling people I was getting over a sinus infection and on an antibiotic, therefore I couldn't have a cocktail. It wasn't a total lie - I DID have a sinus infection, and I WAS on an antibiotic...But I still felt like a big fibber. The Hubs was kind enough to buy me some N/A beer over the weekend, so I could at least pretend like I was relaxing with a cold one....

In a nutshell, I've decided that the baby part is awesome, but the pregnancy part kind of sucks. It could be a long 33 weeks if I don't get my attitude straightened out...