Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Knocked Up/Knocked Down?

Yup. It's official.

I'm pregnant.

And I started a blog.

So that makes me the newest mommy-blogger on the block. I guess.

It's weird, knowing I'm pregnant. And aside from the Hubs and my best friend, NO ONE knows yet (not even my own mother!). I'm waiting until I can go and see the baby's heartbeat for the first time in an ultrasound. I'm only six weeks, so it really is still too soon to announce things. But I can tell you, dear internet. Don't you feel special? You know a secret about me even my own mother doesn't even know.

I'm also hoping that seeing that little cluster of cells for the first time will help make it more, well, real. Right now, it doesn't seem real to me. I took a test, I got two lines. So that makes me pregnant.

And so far, things are, well completely uneventful, and pregnancy is just a big list of things I'm NOT ALLOWED TO DO. No Alcohol, No cigarettes - okay I get these. I do. And you may say what you will about smoking. You can rattle off all the bad statistics you can think of - the cancer, the heart disease, the wrinkles, the sixty million chemicals in every puff - I'm aware of them all, but it doesn't change the fact that I love to smoke. There's something about the actual process of lighting a cigarette....*sigh* I don't care how politically incorrect it is, I love to smoke. I'm not ashamed to say it. I miss smoking.

But I gave up both.

Let's see, where was I? Oh yeah - more stuff I can't do: no caffeine (goodbye morning coffee! Goodbye Diet Dr. Pepper!), no Advil. No allergy medication (oh, but I can have Sudafed. Which doesn't work.). Can't dye my hair. Can't get my nails done. I can't eat soft cheese? What the hell is that about?

I could go on with the list of no-no's I've read, but frankly, it's depressing me. Just know there are more. Many, many, many more.

I don't want to sound like I'm not excited. Because I am. But I've got a lot of other emotions right now that I really need to sort through...

I'm apprehensive as all hell...fear of the unknown and all that. I'm worried I won't be a good mother. I'm worried that we won't be able to properly afford this baby. I want my child to be able to have the life s/he wants, and I want to be able to take vacations and provide lessons and college tuition and all that, but hell - I just want to make sure that I can afford good food, and the mortgage and clothes and shoes and child care (because becoming a SAHM is not looking promising for me). So yeah, I'm apprehensive.

I'm wary. I love the Hubs a lot. He's a wonderful guy, but I just don't know how, well, involved he's going to be as a parent. I'm worried that the brunt of the child care is going to fall on me. Which would be fine if I didn't have to work full time, too. I just don't see him being so willing to be a grown up and make the necessary sacrifices to be an involved parent.

And, as selfish as this sounds, I'm grieving. I'm grieving for the me-centric, child-free existence I know I'm giving up. I'm grieving for the weekends away, the late nights followed by the mornings of sleeping in, for just vegging out on the couch, making dinner whenever I damn well please. I'm grieving for the impromptu shopping trips and all the things I've grown accustomed to doing. I know that in a year, I'll look back on this and probably laugh at how silly and immature I sound, but it's true. One chapter of my life is beginning, but it's beginning at the expense of one ending.

I feel like such a bad person for having just admitted all of this. But it's been in my head and it feels good to just get it out there. I'm hoping that now that it's out there, it'll start to fade away.

To any other mommies out there - am I alone in these feelings? Any words of encouragement or wisdom are welcome!


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the building!

And also: OMG CONGRATULATIONS! Those feelings you're feeling are familiar to me.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I can totally see where your coming from and thats ok. I had feelings similar to that on my first pregnancy but they go away COMPLETLY when you see your baby and all the sacrifices are worth it. Congratulations and the best of luck to you.

"Constance-1-M" said...

As soon as I can get my head out of my morning sickness bucket ~ I'll be supportive as all get out for you. Gimme a minute.

You aren't the first mom to be overwhelmed by the no's ~ and GOOD GRAVY GOOSE there are a lot of them!! But we'll talk later ~


Constance the 32nd said...

You are so cute; I remember being in those same shoes. And frankly, I still feel most of that stuff: worried about college, wanting to take vacations without kids, worried about money and food, and I still am sad about the life I gave up in a way. So yes, it's all normal. Don't worry, you'll be fine.

And all that crap about not drinking caffeine, not getting your hair and nails done, eating soft cheese; it's just that, a load of crap. I did all of that and all my kids turned out (mostly) fine. I'm much too vain to give up getting my hair and nails done. And my doctor actually told me to drink Coke to help the headaches to go away. And I eat cheese with just about everything and I wasn't about to give that up. You did give up the best two things for your child: smoking and alcohol and I am proud of you because that is a real sacrifice.

But none of that will compare to when you feel your first kick or when they place that beautiful baby on your stomach. And all of the other anxieties and stress, it's called motherhood. Welcome to the club. =)

Erin said...

YAY! Congrats! I will be sending all sorts of good thoughts your way and hope for the best when you have that first ultrasound.

I felt the same way for a long time, even after having kids. I STILL feel that way quite a bit. But there is truth to the cliche that it's all worth it. I really is. Nothing changes your life more. Nothing.

You're totally ready too, because you're aware of all those factors that will change. Most of us have an inkling that things will change but are blown away by the magnitude. You're going to do great.

Constance the Billionth said...

Everything is in moderation, minus the smoking and alcohol. You can have A cup of coffee or A soda a day. Sudafed is good for if you get stuffy, for your sinuses. Hang in there, it is all very exciting, but I thought it was a good thing that it took nine months before the baby was born, to get us the parents ready for the big change! Enjoy those meals out, and date nights, etc..... :)